Sunday, October 13, 2013


"Why can’t people be really fucking spontaneous more often.
Like why don’t people get on buses in the middle of the night
to see someone or call them and say what they feel exactly how they feel it.
It’s all fucking mundane shit, trying to keep your cool, playing hard to get,
hinting and confusing signals ugh I hate it"

As dramatic, as obnoxious, as too-much-to-handle
this is to some,
I need a friend like this.
Where are you?!
I need you in my life right now :(
Call me when I'm asleep,
tell me you need me and I'll try to go to you,
look me up whenever you feel like it,

can you appear so we can chase the sunrise together
while complaining how exhausted we are
but that that's also one of the best days of our lives?
Where are you,
my dear?

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