Sunday, October 6, 2013

As many promises as I can and want to make now,
I can't. 

Well, at least things are different now.
That's good. 
I'm seeing certain things clearer too,
finally understanding what I don't want 
from all that.

Good news and bad news.
Good news is,
I forget easily. 
Bad news is, 
I forget easily. lol
I forget easily in a good way because
I forget a lot of shit people did to me,
or rather I let them go and decide not to remember
because it's not worth remembering
and it's human to err.
Bad thing about forgetting easily is that
I really forget a lot of important things people tell me
about themselves and I can't help it because 
I already have bad memory but 
I pushed myself further trying to let go and forget things
thus damaging my memory even further.
No joke. 
it's been getting worse. 
Then I forget the things that I'm suppose to remember 
that happened to others even though they expect me to.
I cannot even remember my own stuff,
give me a break. 

Odd thing is,
what I thought about you,
about us, haven't changed.
I so strongly believe in it
even though I can clearly see where this is going
or rather not going 
but my heart still tells me all that. 
I hate my instincts sometimes. 
Like hello ah, 
can you not be a psychic already?!

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