Saturday, September 21, 2013


Well, this is going to be long.

Met Charleen for ChompChomp a few days ago!
Asked her on the day we got our results because I was starving
and want dinner
and since I was talking to her
and we wanted to go again previously,
she wasn't free so we went the day after.
Yeah, we're probably jumping to the newton one the next time.

Why do people tend to order more than they can eat? 

 She was craving for the cotton candy one
and i, of course, couldn't resist -____-
Met both ipah AND JM!!!
So hard to meet them both at the same time know >:(
Killed a lot of my brain cells talking that day.

JM tried to treat us but no. hahaha
Destroyed her plan.
Thanks though :*
And yes, ipah, you really are a good friend :>

So we're meeting on a tuesday with some orange juice, right?!

After that, went home and napped, then packed the house a little
Was damn excited?!
Because i don't usually invite people over,
let alone asking anybody to stay over.
And since she wanted to see the dogs,
didn't really have time in the day too,
not nice to ask her to go all the way back home after
coming over for awhile only right.
My chain of excitement (lol) broke when
i had a really bad hunch,
like i felt terrible and it wasn't right at all.
Actually, i already felt it when i asked her if she wanted
to stay over the day before, before we parted.
But i usually don't know why i feel like that
and i don't know what's going to happen,
so i didnt say anything until
she was about to prepare and head over to meet me.
And usually if i feel that terrible,
sometimes something really happens,
or it always does and it's affecting me but
not directly or physically maybe?
i dont know man.
So i asked her to decide if she still wants to come
and she asked me to ignore my bad feelings
'cos she's coming for me!
then i got excited again!

We met at white sands
since she wanted the matcha oreo mcflurry(?)
ate at mcd's then went to NTUC to get some stuff for breakfast the next day
and some snacks.

Fairy is hopeless,
i think if i were to call her,
and some stranger with food in his/her hand was to call her too
she would probably run to the stranger eagerly -_____- 

Watched half of Alice in Wonderland
and got sleepy so we slept at around 5+ (i think)
She's like the first person to ever sleep on my side of the bed
My side of the bed is like untouchable, or rather used to be,
unless it's my aunt who just sleeps on our bed when she comes over
or i'd be screaming at anyone else who goes onto my side lol
my hygiene level of OCD for my bed was terrible,
it's better now so... ^^'

I just opened my eyes at about 12ish and then not long after
my mom opens the door and tells me
(and Charleen, directly indirectly)
that my 2nd uncle and aunt,
who migrated to Australia really long ago and
used to come stay over at our place often
but then stopped like 5 years ago,
was at punggol and reaching our place soon.
So we were told to run some errands,
go get some food to go with the noodles they were cooking,
Say, coincident? 
So this is like our nicer out-of-bed look.
Yeah, no, nobody likes their out-of-bed look.
It was bloooooody hot.
Our breakfast plan was ruined because
we had yummy noodles instead :0
After they left,
decided to go to ikeaaaaa!!

it's fun to have somebody to go there with me
and we would discuss about what he/she wants in their future home.
can't remember when was the last time that happened
before Charleen! :*
walked like.. the entire ikea!

 Then it was time to go.
I decided to take a walk home.

Was dying from exhaustion already
Fairy slept beside me and slowly slid downwards
and her nose was against my leg hahaha
not sure how she breathed so i moved

It's always nice to cuddle

The oil lamp somehow caught fire
and my mom freaked out lol
My cousin was flying off on Saturday
So my aunt and uncle treated us to seafood
friday night!

The grands.

My love for bread :')
If there were buns and crab left,
i would go for the buns.
dip them in sauces.

Ate till i looked 4-5 months pregnant that night.


See you next year, Gwen! :D

I laughed really hard at this hahahahaha

"if you like me, i'll literally never realize it until you tell me, "I like you"
and even then I'm still not sure"


This is me
and it's been terrible
trying to fix myself now,
i guess it's working a little.

stay safe

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