Tuesday, April 30, 2013


So if anybody don't know my dogs already,
the white schnauzer is Fairy and the brown mongrel is Angel
(dad named them, best names ever)
and after yearsssss
Hope it stays this way.
*throw air punches up*

My grandma was talking about something and she told me
that if a poor person steals, it's not his/her fault
because that person is poor and also needs/wants things.
I get what she means but the more I thought about it,
the more sense it doesn't make. haha yeah, doesn't make any sense.
Not about that particular matter, about the world.
Now who is right and who is wrong,
the poor were forced into being poor in some ways
or they are too lazy.
But think about it, the poor ones are usually the ones
who work the hardest.
Now, the rich ones have so much and the more you have,
the more you have to lose.
We are all greedy, because it is our human nature.
Even if it's 1% greed, we are greedy, we want more.

From what I have on my desk that I'm using right now,
i have this laptop that i'm using to type this,
more than 30 stationaries, more than 20 beauty products,
about 10 of different kinds of books, piggy bank with 50c and $1 coins savings,
so many accessories inside a box that I don't even want to estimate
and that's not even all the stuff that I have ON TOP of my desk,
let alone what I have in my drawers.
Those are all the things that I can lose, and if i actually lose something
that I liked, I would probably snap.
or be really sad for some time too.
or both.
But these things, these things we have that we hold on to,
our belongings, it is all to please our own eyes and by doing so,
we know we are also pleasing other eyes that might happen to land on us
or those things we own.

Okay, long story short,
it's all to get us to work so that we have money to purchase
things that brings joy to us directly or indirectly
so that the world is running by this system to control us.
Because without systems, laws and restriction,
we will all be very free and that can cause chaos.
But what exactly is good for us?

Does this complicated life,
which some can make simple and think that
others are making their lives complicated,

i can't even continue with a question.
This whole life is a question.


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