Tuesday, March 25, 2014


"But a day came where I woke up and realized I wanted to see them and talk to them not because I longed for them, but because they were people in my life who once meant everything. I say it often, but you cannot punish someone for not wanting you. You can’t shut someone out of your life and hate them because you are not the one that they chose. You can’t scold and ridicule and condemn. You have to accept and move forward and understand. You have to learn."

"But one day, I know that I will wake up and realize that it doesn’t need to hurt anymore.  And it will be from that point forward, but no sooner, that I look back and see how far I have walked away and the distance that separates us. And maybe, then, I’ll turn back around and see what sort of friendship we can restore.

Maybe there won’t be one and maybe there will be. But all I know is that it’s possible, and it’s okay. It’s okay to put someone you once loved back into your life. You loved them for a reason. And if you can see into those reasonsand beyond them, I think you’ll find yourself in a much happier place.
I know I have."

Quote from http://thoughtcatalog.com/chelsea-tirrell/2014/03/why-its-okay-to-be-friends-with-an-ex-and-how-to-do-it/

Monday, March 24, 2014


So.. I turned 21 not over a month ago
it doesn't feel very different hahaha
and look at my terrible photoshop skills!
I tried to adjust my cake's exposure and all that.

(and i quote myself from ig lol)
"This journey, I came so far 
Hoping and wishing upon stars
Meeting gems along the way
Along came diamonds, here to stay
Wasn't easy, but was fun
Pulled me through, you all did, my Sun.

Thank you for shaping me into the person I am today,
I am grateful for being appreciated and being tossed around like I don't matter
because here I am, stronger and better than I was before.
I don't always rely on people but when I do,
I choose the ones who can catch me when I fall and
y'all are the strong ones in my life because your minds and hearts are so precious,
especially thankful to those who pulled me through every time I hit bottom.
Here's to all of you,
especially the stronger mind and heart ones, thank you!"

I wanted to do a touching speech or
one that people would make people think twice but
that day itself was so busy and
it flew by without me clearly remembering much ahhaha
because everything was a blur.
When I panic, i usually don't remember things well
and then I had coloured contacts on that day,
which blurred a little of my vision and also made things worse.
Or maybe better, since i couldn't focus,
i probably didn't panic more than i actually would.

It was fun though,
i just hope that the next time i throw a party,
which must be a really special occasion since i really don't like
hosting events or throwing parties,
I didn't get to eat at my birthday that day :(
but i only got to eat some left over chicken rendang
which was the yummiest of all!!! but theres only leftover for that

Very glad that almost all the friends i invited came!! :D
Although not all my relatives were able to make it
but that's alright.
I was kinda sad at first when people started telling me they couldn't make it,
and stressing over the party all the time.
It got to a point where i thought if im going to feel like that
until the party and throughout the party itself,
what's the point?
I wouldn't be happy.
Then i realized the small things that made me sad didn't matter
as long as i was having fun and enjoying myself!
So i did!

I wanted to share my life thoughts but
this will do for now.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Korean Dramas

"Knock on the closed doors.
Embrace her tired shoulders.
Wipe her tears and listen to her heart.
Love each other like that."

"One person cannot change the world
but you can become the world for someone.
A warm, bright, and peaceful world.
If everyone can be such a world to one person,
one will become ten people,
and then a hundred.
The world will be full of happy people then."

I've been watching some K dramas these days
and holy shit,
they are so addictive literally cannot stop.
I think if someone tells me about plastic surgery now
I might just tell them to go for it hahahaha
Just look at Lee Min Ho?!
Very obsessed with his face right now,
and also The Heirs.
It's so.. i'm not sure if I can say it's relatable but
it shows even the rich have it bad,
and I love how they portray everything.
"Was it from the moment I learned that everyone was the culprit? 
I couldn't simply just be envious of them or dislike them."
Because naturally we, the average or below average, 
would look at the richer ones and be like 
"ahhh, I wish I was capable of living that luxury"
if anyone's curious, go watch The Heirs, you'll understand then.
I'm warning you though, it is daaaaaaaamn addictive!

Fave scene, this one ^
It's like you hit pit bottom, it's all
dark and hopeless now, you don't feel alive.
And then you see light, you see hope, you see your world.

Those two quotes above are from Flower Boys Next Door.
The one that hit me the hardest was
" The related keywords for 'meeting' are 'fate' and 'ill-fated' "
This one's a really, really, reeeaaaally draggy drama,
BUT!!! it's one that's very real to me.
How things are good in a second but turns terribly wrong the next,
how much effort people put into things but then
it becomes cutting ties between people.
I love it.
And i'm also very obsessed with Park Shin Hye now. 

I never thought I would go into this K drama craze.
Things happen.
And this is probably good now because
i'm so tired of facing people.
Superman Returns?? The Korean one!
Watch how dads take care of their kids hahahahaha
