Saturday, November 2, 2013

Photo (spam) Update

bad choice of drink 


we were leaving school late at night,
passed by the cyber station and saw this

Ok so i've been too tired to do a proper post
and i don't want to do small posts
because i havent done my proper ones
and it's dragging too long but here's what happened
in pictures.
I'm sorry are there too many pictures of my face?
Well, it's MY blog for a reason.

Haha i've been doing fine
but these few days,
you know when you feel down and
you end up thinking of someone
and holding that person there
in your mind for a really long time?
Yeah, that's these few days for me.

It's 4.29am,
i woke up at 6.30pm just now
from having too much fun yesterday night.
And it's getting really lonely now,
this sunken feeling
so, goodnight.

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