Friday, July 5, 2013

A Proper Update

School started and i'm dying from exhaustion. 
Beyond exhausted.
But despite of that, 
there were two days that i'm really glad i didn't decide to give a miss. 

Finally met up with my artsy friends ya.
Had dinner and sheesha at arab st. 
I actually planned to leave at 8+/9 pm but
stayed till 11 because, you know,
you can't just get up and leave when you're having too much fun.
And along with all the fun came all the jokes and talks that 
Shahirah and i didn't get hahaha

 some turkish apple tea, was good! 
pretty sure they added some stuff that they shouldn't be adding in there hahaha
had this weird heart tugging feeling whenever i took a sip 

 my dinnaaaaahhhh. sultani chicken or something
it wuz okeh.

 my twin. we were separated at birth i think. hahahaha (kidding guys, kidding) 

took this while being damn paiseh at the mrt platform.  
 better photo of everybody that the guy took and claimed that he take really good pictures.
daniel's much-effort-standing-up-while-scared-of-embarassment-but-had-to food shot.
and i think i overslept the next day.

Then this happened yesterday,
went to plaza sing to watch Despicable Me 2 with these guys.
I expected more from it but it was only okay,
funny in a cute way but okay.
Just because i watched White House Down the day before
Pretty funny too (:
Oh yeah, pictures! 

 we saw the queue being really short and April got really excited, so...
haha wouldn't go back unless i only want the bao. 

 JaeYoon took this, there's no photo of him!
 YuHao being more vain than me -_________-
 because we wore similar stuff a number of times so this called for an ootd.

Then when it was just April, Charleen, JaeYoon and I left,
we decided to not have dinner in the end.
Charleen then wanted to go to ChompChomp
while we were walking to the MRT station after April went off and
because i was actually so broke for the food in PS,
i wuz so happz.
it was like a suggestion queue that came 
once we stepped on the escalator or something ahahaha (ding!)
But JaeYoon bought his sushi and he probably wanted to eat his snacks too
so he went home.
Then the both of us took this really long journey
(long because we were starving ya)
to ChompChomp to chompchomp. ahaha
And then when she talked to me,
i realized (not that i didn't already know but i got reminded)
that no matter how blissful you look,
it isn't always how things may seem to be.
If i had a fire element power,
i would have been shrouded in bursting flames 
because i got really pissed off.
Let me re quote myself from twitter hahaha

"why are we always blinded by how much better things can be 
if only we let go?"

then it reminded myself that i'm that idiot too.
don't really listen to my own advices and stuff, so okay.

Then i slept and woke up and went to school today.
The End.

Pretty sure they are really Heaven sent.

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