Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

beginning to really hate september,
fucking haze and weather
and every other thing.
falling sick and feeling really uncomfortable internally
isn't helping at all.
or my face being in a really bad condition now.
if I remember correctly, years ago, I met someone
and September was something to us.
I'm beginning to think septembers are really bad for me.

I should go sign up for some yoga to fucking calm down.

on a side note, I never thought of this
since it's dangerous and I have small balls (no guts),
I thought of getting a scooter and HOW CONVENIENT IT WOULD BE
oh my god why did I never think of that?
but I don't dare to even take up driving,
so getting a bike liscence? ahahahahhaa

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

ugh.. feel like giving up.
so i panicked during my paper, it was just one module and i had one job
but nope, panicked and screwed it up really badly. and i failed.
2 more months of this? :/

i'm becoming really detached with the world, with people.
and i'm pretty sure it's doing me a lot of good stuff
but not very sure if it's exactly good.
am i losing it..?
is this the stage where i'm suppose to rebel but i'm too lazy to,
that's why it got to this? probably. hahaha pffffffft

Sunday, September 14, 2014

not sure what is suffocating me,
being this busy that I can't go out and have some fun time
or being this busy that I don't have time to relax and have some me-time.
it's so frustrating.
I need to recharge myself but noooo, no time.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

3 a.m.ish

been lying in bed for like over an hour now 
and if I fell asleep right when I've gotten cozy, 
would have been really lack of sleep. 
so with this one-hour.ish extra lack of sleep,
I might as well skip work tomorrow
(which I wouldn't, because hello money please don't go) 

help me. 
save me. 

today was rather busy but I'm glad I met C, 
idk man, I was staring at her eyebrows a lot because 
I love certain type of brows and hers were like *pink floaty heart shape emojis*
and she's probably taller than me. 
I'm constantly talking to people shorter than me that
when people of my height or taller than me appear 
and we have to communicate face to face for a period of time, 
I need to step back and look at that person while talking. 
it is intimidating. 
I've always wanted friends my height 
and they come by so rarely that I don't know what to do
when they're by my side. 
like hello, could we keep a distance so that I can see your whole face? 
and eyebrows, your whole face and your eyebrows.

nice eyebrows are the best.
daaa bessssst!