Thursday, August 1, 2013


Was a terrible day.
But then i hit my limit and everything was fine again,
it's like a restart button.
Couldn't give a shit anymore 
(for a few hours lol)

After school went to collect my watchy watchy.
The batt died long ago some time last year
and i was just too lazy
but i somehow decided it was time to get it fixed
last week
and they put back one of the mini needles for free :D

 Since the service center was just beside SAM
and there was free entry and i needed some alone peaceful time
i thought why not

 they really have a lot of creepy corners
and i'm not sure why,
the first floor feels especially depressing.

 this caught my attention and got me really curious
they also had this "put your own title" thing
and i really wanted to put a title for this

yep. with my fugly (unchangeable) handwriting.

And then here are some (or rather a lot) pictures
of Fairy yesterday!
Don't mind her looking dirty and all,
i was trying to clean her eyes because she has terrible tear stains
and she needed a haircut.
Best thing when you're home is
when your dog climbs up onto your lap
and decides to lay down and stay there :)

her after her shower and her haircut.
by me.
hahaha can't really tell but since i only trimmed her head's fur
her head now looks tiny compared to her body.
So therapeutic cutting her fur and grooming her.
but then she's not that cooperative and there were a lot of
angry talk in between like "Fairy!! naughty girl!!!!" hahaha

Well, it got back to being bad night now but we'll make it good.
I will.

I can never make things better,
I can only make them worse.
What's wrong with me?

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